Areas of Practice

Due Diligence


We conduct due diligence assessments of the products and operating practices of software developers. Applying our broad experience of the complete software life-cycle, we advise financial investors and acquiring businesses seeking to value software IP ahead of an investment decision.

Product Management


We help growing businesses set up and manage effective product management policies and processes. Our goal is to improve the return on investment in R&D by ensuring that development is continuously aligned with identified market needs and matched to capacity.

Product Marketing


We develop product marketing strategies and stories that link sustainable brand values to product benefits. We help businesses clarify their target audiences and we craft messaging and collateral that engages potential buyers and connects their needs and desires.

Brand Development


With partners in graphic design and marketing communications we guide companies through corporate re-branding. We cover the full cycle from brand equity and competitor positioning to concept development, identity, trademark, messaging, digital content and production.